
I think the thought of maintaining consistancy is kinda funny. I think a lot of us try to hold tight to the norm and whenever lifes boat rocks one way or the other too much, we start to freak out. Simalarly, when everthing seems normal, when everything seems relaxed, it seems right. I just think its sometimes hard to see the greatness in life without first being able to see obscure side. Its lifes ebs and flows that give character and movement to our life. There is not one without the other and as hard as it is to say, I dont think I would want it any different. Im pretty sure that this philosophy can be applicable to any arena in life. As a video director, I feeling like things are getting a little normal. Its nobodys fault but my own. I just always want to push the envelope and be an inovator not somebody who is catching their breath trying to keep up. If this is an "eb" that I am in its not a deep one, Im just trying be aware of the movement in life. Its okay to have low times as well as high ones. Contrast is what makes things interesting.


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