Uncle Hulihee

So here it is...the Hulihee. Thanks for all who voted. I think as a consolation im going to rock the Magnum PI Mustache tomorrow. So tonight, I am off to small group and possibly the gym after that. If I can make it over to see Sammy at Walmart that would be great. Its been a great day as Uncle Hulihee. Most of the feedback has been positive. BJ even said that if it were a little shorter he thinks I could pull it off for real

Thanks again for the votes.



I am so Jealous, you rock a mustache and you rock it proud.

March 17, 2008 at 6:20 PM  

Uncle Hulihee makes all the little children cry...and our team. Can't wait to see you pimpin the stache tomorrow!

March 17, 2008 at 8:38 PM  

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